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Looking to the Past to Shape Future Estuaries

The Takeaway: Historical maps and elevation data reveal how 30 of the nation’s estuaries have changed over time–and where they could be in the future.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Nationwide

Community Leadership Paves the Way to Promising Erosion Treatment

The Takeaway: A project that mimics aspects of cobble sand beaches virtually stopped the erosion of shoreline uplands in pilot studies aided by NOAA and Washington State’s coastal zone management program.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Data and Tools, Economics, Equity and Justice, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Washington

Restoring the Wasson Creek Watershed from Ridgetop to Estuary

The Takeaway: A Bipartisan Infrastructure Award is supporting a watershed-scale restoration in the nation’s first National Estuarine Research Reserve.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Grants, Indigenous Populations, Updated Infrastructure Projects, Oregon

Rating Marsh Resilience

The Takeaway: This natural resource continues to decline. To help prioritize conservation efforts, a study by the National Estuarine Research Reserve System projects marsh survival rates.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Digital Coast, Conservation, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Nationwide

Expanding the Network of Protected Lands along South Carolina’s Black River

The Takeaway: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding will expand South Carolina’s Black River land conservation effort and protect 1,800 acres of floodplain for enhanced flood protection, water quality, wildlife habitat, and recreational opportunities.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Grants, Land Acquisition, Updated Infrastructure Projects, South Carolina

Improving our Coasts with High-Resolution Land Cover Data

The Takeaway: High-resolution land cover data is now available through NOAA’s Digital Coast. This data provides communities with the foundational data needed to assess coastal resources, analyze land use, prepare for disaster risks, and adapt to a changing climate.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Coastal Zone Management, Digital Coast, Data and Tools, Alaska, California, Connecticut, Florida, Guam, New Hampshire, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, U.S. Virgin Islands, Washington

Restoring Padilla Bay’s Vital Tidal Marsh

The Takeaway: The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law allowed the Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve to acquire and safeguard 74.5 acres of vital tidal marshland in Washington, aiding in the larger endeavor to revive up to 105 acres of the area’s tidal marshes.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Land Acquisition, Updated Infrastructure Projects, Washington

Record-Breaking Eelgrass Restoration in Virginia's Eastern Shore

The Takeaway: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law-funded eelgrass restoration in Virginia’s Burtons Bay has revitalized critical habitat and fortified coastal resilience.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Natural Infrastructure, Updated Infrastructure Projects, Virginia

Partnership Preserves Over 400 Acres of Public Game Lands in North Carolina

The Takeaway: A collaborative effort funded under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law has secured and preserved a 400+ acre waterfront property in Pamlico County, ensuring wildlife habitat conservation and public access for outdoor activities in the Goose Creek Game Lands.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Conservation, Land Acquisition, Updated Infrastructure Projects, North Carolina

Transforming New York’s Hudson Riverbanks

The Takeaway: A project led by the Hudson River National Estuarine Research Reserve is transforming New York’s riverbanks cost-effectively with nature-based strategies.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Natural Infrastructure, New York

Maine Restores Sand Dunes with Reclaimed Trees

The Takeaway: Innovative sand dune restoration along Maine’s coastline employs reclaimed trees to fortify eroded areas, showcasing successful collaborative efforts between local authorities and environmental agencies.

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Related to: Conservation, Natural Infrastructure, Maine

Maine's CoastWise Approach for Climate-Resilient Tidal Crossings

The Takeaway: After years of effort, Maine published the CoastWise Approach manual, a guide featuring best practices, decision-making tools, and a pathway for designing climate-resilient tidal crossings that are cost-effective and ecologically friendly.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Data and Tools, Partnership, Research, Maine

Ohio Preserves Chagrin River Habitat

The Takeaway: The Chagrin River Floodplain Land Conservation Project has preserved 105 acres of habitat, contributing to a growing conservation corridor under NOAA’s Climate-Ready Coasts initiative.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Conservation, Indigenous Populations, Land Acquisition, Updated Infrastructure Projects, Ohio

Upper Mattaponi Indian Tribe's Return to the River

The Takeaway: The Upper Mattaponi Tribe’s historic reclamation of its ancestral lands along the Mattaponi River in Virginia not only preserves the tribe’s heritage but also ignites a visionary environmental stewardship, fostering harmony between tradition, culture, and ecological restoration.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Indigenous Populations, Land Acquisition, Updated Infrastructure Projects, Virginia

Empowering Educators through Living Laboratories

The Takeaway: The Teachers on the Estuary program offers educators a way to access hands-on learning experiences at the Tijuana River Research Reserve. This effort enhances science education and promotes estuary stewardship for the next generation.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Training and Education, California

Now You See Them: Wetland Wildlife on the Move

The Takeaway: Scientists across the National Estuarine Research Reserve System have conducted the first-ever North American inventory of coastal wetland wildlife using 140 cameras in 29 estuaries.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Partnership, Research, Training and Education, Nationwide

Reviving Georgia’s Coastal Salt Marshes

The Takeaway: With the alignment of local and federal funding, the healing of Georgia’s salt marshes is underway as the Army Corps of Engineers corrects decades of environmental damage caused by the logging industry, with initial restoration efforts showing improvements to water flow and natural features.

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Related to: Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Georgia

New Wetland Park in Delaware Solves Decades of Flooding Issues

The Takeaway: A formerly contaminated area in Delaware has been turned into a park that restores and enhances existing wetlands, provides a recreation area for the community, and hosts a stormwater management facility that reduces flooding.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Delaware

Immersive Nature Tours at California’s Tijuana River Reserve

The Takeaway: Expertly guiding participants along the Tijuana River Reserve’s trails, Ron Peterson, a docent who is blind, showcases nature’s wonders beyond the realm of sight. Through his distinct perspective, he illustrates how engaging other senses deepens the connection with native plants.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Training and Education, California

Revolutionary Land Cover Data for Alaska

The Takeaway: This is the first time Alaska’s coastal zone has been mapped in this way. The NOAA-provided land cover data promises to be a game changer for those who want to protect this coast.

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Related to: Digital Coast, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, Data and Tools, Alaska

Program Draws People of Faith to Stories of Illinois Coast

The Takeaway: Thousands took part in the “Migration & Me,” program spotlighting the journeys of butterflies, bees, and people, with support from the Illinois Coastal Management Program.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Training and Education, Illinois

Trail Heralds New Possibilities for Pennsylvania City

The Takeaway: An outdoor haven for walkers, runners, and cyclists adorns the City of Chester, which is designated an “environmental justice community” by the state.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Economics, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Equity and Justice, Pennsylvania

Gulf Coast Towns Lower Flood Insurance Rates, with NOAA’s Help

The Takeaway: Dozens of communities in three states get the information they need to boost hazard resilience and drive down flood insurance costs.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Digital Coast, Conservation, Data and Tools, Economics, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Training and Education, Equity and Justice, Alabama, Florida, Texas

NOAA Gulf Coast Resilience Grants Go Far

The Takeaway: Five communities gained the assessments they need to guide resilience action, thanks to NOAA funds and community partners.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Training and Education, Alabama, Florida, Mississippi

Restoration Efforts for Great Lakes Shoreline

The Takeaway: This shoreline report, co-authored by a Digital Coast scientist, makes plain the critical importance of NOAA’s nature-based restoration projects in the Great Lakes region.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Digital Coast, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin

Coastal Zone Management Makes a Difference

The Takeaway: The Coastal Zone Management Act has guided this nation’s approach to how we protect coastal economies and natural resources. These programs have served us for fifty years and continue to do so.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management Program, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Partnership, Nationwide

Virginia Collaborative Promotes Economic Perks of Lower Chickahominy Conservation

The Takeaway: The Virginia Coastal Zone Management Program and partners—buoyed by evidence that conservation funnels millions of extra dollars into the local economy—have signed a memorandum of understanding that promotes ecotourism’s economic benefits and helps preserve Indigenous and ecological assets.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserve, Conservation, Economics, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Virginia

Wade into Estuary Recreation at a Research Reserve

The Takeaway: Paddling azure waterways. Casting a line for that delectable campsite dinner. Spying an elusive warbler in a birder’s paradise. These adventures and many more await.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Training and Education, California, Connecticut, Florida, Maine, Mississippi, New Jersey, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Wisconsin, Nationwide

NOAA’s Historical Hurricane Tracks Tool

The Takeaway: This popular tool pulls in a wide net of users, from vacation planners and storm-history buffs to technical experts modeling storm risks.

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Related to: Digital Coast, Data and Tools, Research, Training and Education, Nationwide

North Carolina Partners Analyze and Address Stormwater Pollution Threats

The Takeaway: Participants in this research reserve partnership project sized up the nature of the threat and produced resources designed to lessen risks for outdoor-recreation fans and the Rachel Carson portion of the North Carolina Research Reserve.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Partnership, Research, Training and Education, North Carolina

Introducing First-Generation College Students to Science-based Careers

The Takeaway: The “Step into STEM” mentoring and workshop series, initiated and co-led by a Margaret A. Davidson Fellow, guided these students on crucial first steps toward science, technology, engineering, and math careers.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Equity and Justice, Grants, Training and Education, Massachusetts

NOAA Strengthens Resilience Before, During, and After Disasters

The Takeaway: NOAA initiatives and state partnership programs are making a difference throughout the nation’s coastal zone.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Digital Coast, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, Training and Education, Alaska, California, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, Oregon, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin

Oregon Adds Emergency-Supplies Guide to Disaster Resilience Efforts

The Takeaway: Already, 10 jurisdictions have incorporated tsunami considerations for safer land-use plans. Now, all of Oregon’s coastal communities have “disaster cache” guidance to increase local survival odds in the wake of tsunamis and earthquakes.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Equity and Justice, Grants, Training and Education, Oregon

Delaware’s Climate Action Plan Takes Off

The Takeaway: The Delaware Coastal Management Program helped develop the plan, and public-private leaders have embraced it, proposing initiatives that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and fast-track adaptation steps.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Economics, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Delaware

NOAA Cheers Citizen Scientists

The Takeaway: These coastal volunteers walk the talk of science and stewardship by gathering data to help ecosystems remain vibrant and communities grow more resilient.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Digital Coast, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Economics, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, California, Delaware, New Jersey, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Texas

Largest-Ever West Coast Oyster Data Map

The Takeaway: The findings could spark restoration efforts that are much more strategic and effective, thanks to project leaders and partners that include California’s Elkhorn Slough Research Reserve.

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Related to: Conservation, Data and Tools, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Alaska, California, Oregon, Washington

Blue Carbon Enterprises Lessen Climate Change Damage

The Takeaway: Coastal wetlands research, restoration, tools, data, workshops, and partners—NOAA brings every blue carbon asset to the fight against climate-change-related hazards and harm.

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Related to: Digital Coast, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Economics, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership Research, Training and Education, Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New York, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Texas, Washington

NOAA Research Reserve Receives Enthusiastic Welcome in Connecticut

The Takeaway: NOAA’s Connecticut National Estuarine Research Reserve, the nation’s 30th, signals an exhilarating new era for the state’s coastal education, research, and ecotourism sectors.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Economics, Equity and Justice, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, Research, Training and Education, Connecticut

NOAA’s “Green” Expertise Meets New Infrastructure Era

The Takeaway: Some U.S. infrastructure funding that is headed NOAA’s way will maximize the benefits of nature to lessen climate change damage.

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Related to: California, Florida, New Hampshire, Texas, Washington, Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Natural Infrastructure, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Partnerships, Data and Tools, Training and Education, Economics

Befriending Coastal Birds

The Takeaway: At a critical time for many species, NOAA collaborates with partners to protect coastal bird habitats and populations.

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Related to: California, Alabama, South Carolina, Texas, Virginia, Delaware, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, Conservation, Data and Tools, Training and Education, Economics, Natural Infrastructure, Partnerships

Native Americans Play Critical Roles in Many NOAA Projects

The Takeaway: We take a look at the great things that can happen when NOAA and Indigenous communities work together on coastal issues.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, Research, Training and Education, California, Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Wisconsin, Washington

NOAA Boosts Coastal Hardiness

The Takeaway: The agency and its partners help coastal communities lessen hazard dangers, curb carbon emissions, and protect the coast’s environmental and economic assets.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Economics, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Training and Education, Florida, Oregon, Puerto Rico, Washington

3D Model of Bay Sheds Light on Eelgrass Restoration Strategies

The Takeaway: A NOAA-supported analysis of California’s Morro Bay estuary found links between seagrass collapse and later erosion that will inform bay-area adaptation strategies and could influence global seagrass conservation strategies.

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Related to: Digital Coast, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, California

Programs Improve Public Access for All

The Takeaway: NOAA safeguards coastal public access and inclusive adventures through the efforts of the National Coastal Zone Management Program and National Estuarine Research Reserve System.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, California, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Nationwide

Environmental Educators Tailor Lessons to Diverse Student Needs

The Takeaway: Students of the coast love to learn when educators reach them where they are—whether that’s online, in the field, or through the wisdom of their own culture and stewardship traditions.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Training and Education, California, Florida, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Virginia

Four Research Reserves Produce $165 Million in Yearly Economic Benefits

The Takeaway: The four Florida and Oregon reserves studied feature innovative programs and a combined 423,475 acres of habitat, all of which keep nature-based businesses, researchers, and nonprofits humming along.

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Related to: Florida, Oregon, Conservation, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Training and Education, Data and Tools, Economics, Partnerships, Grants, Research

NOAA Provides Assistance to Coastal Communities

The Takeaway: Some U.S. coastal communities have plentiful data for creating robust resilience plans. Others are struggling to catch up. NOAA’s Office for Coastal Management is focused on providing equal access to the data, tools, and expertise they deserve.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Digital Coast, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Grants, Partnership, Research, Training and Education, Alaska, Mississippi, New Hampshire, U.S. Virgin Islands, Virginia, Washington

First-Ever Carbon-Offset Initiative by U.S. Pro Football Team

The Takeaway: The Philadelphia Eagles football team will expand mangrove and seagrass restoration efforts at Puerto Rico’s Jobos Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve in order to offset travel-related emissions, in a partnership with the Ocean Conservancy and The Ocean Foundation.

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Related to: Puerto Rico, Conservation, Natural Infrastructure, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Training and Education, Digital Coast, Data and Tools, Economics, Partnerships

Ohio Water-Quality Grades Educate and Inspire Action

The Takeaway: “A to F” report cards enlighten residents on the “where” and “what” of water-quality problems, as well as actions to take that could help improve grades.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Training and Education, Ohio

NOAA Commemorates Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month

The Takeaway: Community pride and the centuries-old practices of Native Pacific Islanders inform several NOAA-supported projects to protect this region’s natural treasures.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Coral Reef Conservation Program, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Training and Education, American Samoa, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, Hawaii

Research Reserve Restoration Funds Strengthen Tribal Partnership

The Takeaway: California’s Elkhorn Slough Research Reserve was awarded $1.3 million to safeguard habitat and bolster stewardship efforts in a partnership with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, Training and Education, California

Record Number of Turtles Saved from Cold

The Takeaway: More than 900 cold-stunned sea turtles were rescued and treated, thanks to quick mobilization by Mission-Aransas National Estuarine Research Reserve staff members and volunteers.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Partnership, Training and Education, Texas

The Digital Coast Strengthens Students’ Case Studies

The Takeaway: NOAA’s Sea Level Rise Viewer and other resources deepened student insights on the environmental and societal implications of climate change, and on potential adaptation strategies.

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Related to: Digital Coast, Data and Tools, Research, Training and Education, Florida

Students Care for Watersheds Using Traditional Hawaiian Practices

The Takeaway: Participants in the Bay Watershed Education and Training program learn that culturally-based practices benefit the Heʻeia community’s environment and quality of life.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Training and Education, Hawaii

Alaska’s Digital Coast Fellow Boosts Community Storm Resilience

The Takeaway: Community storm histories, an online tool, and flood-risk maps prompt a $1 million-plus resilience grant to aid 44 additional Alaska Native communities on the hazard frontlines.

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Related to: Digital Coast, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Grants, Partnership, Research, Training and Education, Alaska

Redesigned Parking Lot Improves Stormwater Management

The Takeaway: When flooding caused parking and runoff issues, the Florida Coastal Management Program stepped in to fund a parking lot redesign with irrigation, a rain garden, and porous pavement that allows rainwater to pass into the ground below.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Training and Education, Florida

Washington Coastal Resilience Project Ups Hazard Readiness

The Takeaway: New sea level rise projections and guidance are informing community policies, plans, development, and funding projects, with help from NOAA programs and grants.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Data and Tools, Grants, Training and Education, Washington

A Road-Flooding Fix for California State Park

The Takeaway: Park visitors and bayside neighbors will enjoy a safer, more accessible area because a group organized by NOAA’s Science Collaborative studied and rated various adaptation options.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Research, Training and Education, California

California Opens Up Public Access in a Big Way

The Takeaway: Adventurers now exploring 1,000-plus miles of land and waterway trails owe much to the three agencies of California’s coastal zone management program.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Data and Tools, Equity and Justice, Grants, California

South Carolina Produces Award-Winning Report on Living Shorelines

The Takeaway: Data, case studies, and a decision tree will improve regulations, the permitting process, and the ability of homeowners to select effective treatments for various shoreline conditions.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, South Carolina

New Metrics and Models Help Quantify Coastal Ecosystem Benefits

The Takeaway: Research reserves are using these aids to understand and communicate how their projects promote cleaner water, improve resilience, expand habitat, and more.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Grants, Research, Training and Education, Florida, Hawaii, North Carolina

Coastal Program Chips in to Keep Beaches Clean

The Takeaway: Unspent travel funds from Texas’ coastal zone management program will aid with beach maintenance expenses so local governments are able to keep the public safe as beaches reopen.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Economics, Partnership, Texas

Role-Play Workshops Accelerate County’s Adaptation Action

The Takeaway: Officials and residents in South Carolina’s Georgetown County practiced working through adaptation-related decisions and trade-offs with the help of a South Carolina research reserve and NOAA’s Science Collaborative program.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Data and Tools, Grants, Training and Education, South Carolina

New Hampshire “Green Credits” Process Okayed by Two Regulators

The Takeaway: “Credit for Going Green” provides a strategy for earning regulatory credits by installing natural buffers, plus a way to calculate buffer pollution-removal rates, with support from four national estuarine research reserves and NOAA’s Science Collaborative program.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Research, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island

Fire Safety Initiative Showcases Cultural and Ecological Connections

The Takeaway: Collaboration between Oregon’s South Slough Research Reserve and local tribal groups ensures a maximum use of forest resources and plentiful opportunities for environmental education.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Training and Education, Oregon

Officials and Tribal Groups Restore Wisconsin Point

The Takeaway: This revitalized Lake Superior peninsula—a win for cultural, ecological, and recreational reasons—was made possible by $1.5 million in grants administered by Wisconsin’s coastal zone management program.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Wisconsin

Maryland Hosts New NOAA National Marine Sanctuary

The Takeaway: Mallows Bay-Potomac River National Marine Sanctuary protects wetlands and the nation’s maritime history, aided by the state’s coastal zone management program.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, Conservation, Equity and Justice, Maryland

Protecting Reefs That Boost Resilience and the Economy

The Takeaway: A road improvement partnership on Puerto Rico’s Culebra Island lessens sediment and pollutants that harm this irreplaceable resource.

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Related to: Coral Reef Conservation Program, Conservation, Economics, Grants, Natural Infrastructure, Partnership, Puerto Rico

Expanding Coastal Opportunities for People with Disabilities

The Takeaway: Creating sign language for “estuary” and other coastal terms, and trails that accommodate wheelchairs and the needs of the visually impaired—these are just two of the contributions from research reserves and coastal zone management programs.

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Related to: Coastal Zone Management, National Estuarine Research Reserve, Equity and Justice, Grants, Partnership, Alabama, California, Florida, Maine, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Virginia

Learning about Estuarine Ecosystems in American Sign Language

The Takeaway: Three New England research reserves, the Center for Research and Training at The Learning Center for the Deaf, and Boston University created an immersive instructional experience for educators of the Deaf. The benefits keep adding up.

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Related to: National Estuarine Research Reserves, Training and Education, Grants, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island